SACD 2 channel vs Redbook 2 Channel

Are they the same? Is one superior? Are they system dependent?
Sacd is superior because the sample rate is higher, producing
more information over the entire spectrum. Ritteri claims he hasn't
heard the difference between SACD and CD even with trillions of
dollars worth of equipment, but we cannot get pas his unfortunate
claim that SACD is the equivilent of adding music hall echo. What
this tells me is that Ritteri *DID* hear the difference, but simply did
not understand what he was hearing. The ambient information to
which he refers was due to SACD's higher sample rate which allows the recording to pick up more ambient information -- this is
what gives SACD the ability to recreate more of the subleties of
the performance and gives you more of the feeling that the performance is happening in your listening room. If you think you're hearing "echo" that was put into the music by the engineer,
how could you appreciate this additional information? Perhaps
Ritteri doesn't appreciate that information, but when he alludes to
"music hall echo" is stands to reason that he indeed heard it. This is sort of similar to Steve Martin's character in The Jerk. Upon being served 1861 Lafite Rothschild, Martin spits it out and yells, "take this away and bring me something FRESHER!" Obviously, Martin's character TASTED everything that makes the vintage wine superior, he just didn't understand what he was drinking. On the other hand, it *is* possible that some people don't care for the secondary and tertiary flavors in vintage wine and some people might prefer a lower sample rate, lower resolution, and less ambient information. But, if Ritteri did actually work in audio sales, as he claims, we can only wonder how many others were exposed to this misinformation. How many others are out there thinking the ambient information was actually just music hall echo due to
Ritteri's misunderstanding? Taste is one thing, but ignorance is dangerous.
I personally don't think anyone on here has shown any true "merit", not just Rittori. And to be quite frank, there is alot less "misinformation" on this forum thread than what a few other Audiogon members above would lead people to believe. But regardless of the matter it sure does not change the fact he is not alone on feelings of the SACD platform. Myself personally and many others have very similiar feelings which is very obvious when filtering through the posts.
Man, I can't quit laughing at this entire thread, especially looking back on the nature of the original inquiry! I like to stir up poop as much as anyone but you guys have really let Ritteri drag himself through the mud and toss himself in the gutter here! It borders on mean, cruel and unusual to see a reputation destroyed like this; he may have to have to change his screenname or move to another board if the insanity continues! I'm shocked that his condescending personal attacks where posted on this censored forum, but not stunned to see the deserved response. Anyways, let's stop kicking the dead horse! :) I may have started this but am feeling bad for the guy and his sock puppet supporters now, seeing that reason and logical (yet often funny as heck) retorts have fallen on deaf ears (was that a funny?)! Seriously, the best way to end this is to stop feeding the monkey, to paraphrase a Big Lebowski line. It's painful, it is a train wreck. Agree to disagree and simply quit wasting time and energy on this....unless of course there's more opportunity for the funny stuff from following Ritteri posts after he reads this one :)...just kidding!(sorry!)
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