1x Oversampling

Does anyone here use a player or dac that uses a "no digital filter" or "zero over/upsampling" design, like the Audio Note or 47 labs? How would you describe the sound? What do you like or dislike about them?
The sound is open, 3-dimensional, dynamic, natural, smooth, engaging. I have an AN 2.1x balanced DAC (also a Wavelength Audio Cosine DAC in my headphone system, uses the same concept). Best digital I've ever heard. Nothing I don't like except perhaps that there are two boxes.
Do a search of the author Carolus at Audioasylum in the digital domain. He's got pretty much every nonos dac manufacturer listed.

I use the Nixon and the sound is great. But, I should defer my opinion until I've heard some more venerable dacs in my system.
I agree with Budrew right down the line. I've owned the Audio Note 3.1x Balanced, and recently upgraded to the 4.1x Balanced Signature. "Natural, smooth and engaging" is a common thread that runs through all the descriptions I've read of the current non-oversampling AN DACs, and I've heard it even in their entry-level DAC Zero - the one that convinced me to buy into the AN lineup.

I'd add to that list of qualities a sense of "you are there" realism, and bass that breathes like it does in real life. There seems to be much less of an electronic flavour to the sound compared to other DACs. Compared to either of the AN DACs, the SimAudio Nova in my living room system sounds sterile, bleached and artificial.