A CD recorder for archiving LP's?

Can anyone recommend a good CD player/recorder. I have thousands of LP's and I would like to transfer some of them to CD so I could listen to them in the car. My analog rig is a VPI with the Aries 2 platter and an SME arm/Clearaudio cartridge. Thanks
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I actually agree with one of Elizabeth's comments. CD-Rs can become unplayable after a few years. Also transferring 1000s of records is a very time consuming process. You'll have to record, edit (add stop/start index points), burn and then produce labels indicating the names of the albums/songs. Count on it taking nearly 2x the running time of the record. I would be wary to commit the amount of time needed to complete such a project if the final storage medium wasn't permanent. The Alesis Masterlink is an excellent machine for what you want to do, but I would strongly suggest that you burn a full resolution back up disc and transfer them to a computer hard drive. That way you'll have two copies 24/96 plus the 16/44 disc for normal CD playback. You can't be too rich, too thin or have enough back up copies.