Denon 2900 mod. How does it sound?

I have owned a Denon 2900 and considered to mod but I do not know how it sounds after that. Does any audiophiles and/or music lovers have any suggestion who is the best to do the mods and how many level of modifying?
Yes, I use the Neuance with the Exemplar/Denon. With one exception, I have found feet between the unit and the Neuance shelf hurt the sound. I recently tried a special isolation device from K-Works in NYC. It too hurt the sound under the Denon but did wonders under my H-Cat which is on a Neuance shelf.

Unless you have reached 200 plus hours on the Exemplar, it is not yet at its best.
Tbg: Does one need 200 hours on Redbook, 200 on SACD and so on - or just 200 hours, regardless of format? Thanks.
do the us 2900s have 110-240v / 50&60hz power supplies?
Can they easily be made region free? id like to replace my rp82 sdi unit with one as well as getting the awesome cd&sacd performance.
thanks in adv
Sorry, Jfz, I have been out-of-town. By now you know that it is time in any format
I would really like to hear from people who have had their 2900 modded by any of the various modding houses. On Audiogon I have heard of three (Underwood, Revelation, Exemplar) and I am sure there are more. This seems like it would be a good thread to hear from people on. Or, maybe people should write a review of their piece in the review section.