Well, I would be surprised if your BelCanto would sound as good. Who told you the transport system was the same between the 37/39/390s? I guess it could be they do look simalar. . . but the electronics, power supply, circuit design all would make a huge difference in the sound quality among the units. Proceed was never designed to compete with Levinson sonically. They used older technology from units built before. They were never meant to be on the cutting edge. Also who rebuilt your unit? Unless it was done by Levinson I'd be suspect. If you opened up a #39 which I have and then compared it to a Japanese DVD or CD insides you would see a differnce. I've been in the hobby for 23 years and am not a salesperson (I'm and educator)so have no axe to grind for Levinson. Rest assured there is a big difference in the big names like Krell/ ARC/ Classe/ and others vs. the normal imports. If your unit was supposedly rebuilt and you have problems or concerns, contact Jamie Cohen at Harman Specialty Group. He will be glad to help you out.
Hope this helps,
Hope this helps,