Wadia 861 or keep Electrocompaniet mk2

Since I only listen to my CDP I am thinking about a Wadia 861 Basic to replace my Electrocompaniet and bypass my BAT VK50se preamp. My system also includes a Cary V12I and a pair of Verity Audio Fidelio's. Anyone have any experience or opinions about this? I have heard pros and cons to going direct. Thanks in advance for any and all imput.

What, an upgrade that the manufacturer describes as bringing their product to a whole new level? Providing "compelling musical realism" and "demonstrably superior sound quality" Will wonders never cease? Sounds like it should have been called BSota (Beyond State of the Art), or maybe just BS! ;~) Please don't take offence. Just hard to take manufacturer's marketing material seriously, sometimes. Frankly, I could hardly understand a word of it, so just color me confused and muddy. Happy Holidays all.
I'm with the Swamp. Why don't you just try it? I demo'd a Wadia directly into my Aleph 2s, and STRONGLY preferred my current EMC-1 MkII SE through my Aleph P. But that could have as much to do with proper impedence-matching with the Alephs as my preference for the less-white, analoguey sound of the EMC-1....Note that I also run VA Parsifal Encores. If your Fidelios seem a bit lightweight in bass response because of the forced-rear-firing woofers in your room then you might prefer the VERY bif bass performance of the EMC-1 through the pre as well. Be careful if using just the Wadia alone if it can't drive the amp enough to push those backwards 7 inchers....
Happiest Holidays to all!
The exerpts from Wadia's site really dont have any true merit agreed, but there are noticeable improvements over the older 860x. I just brought it up due to the fact that the DAC board was redesigned and now incorperates 0 global feedback cleaning up the signal.
If you are concerned about colorations introduced by your preamp, you might want to consider a good passive preamp such as a transformer or autoformer-based unit, or perhaps a very neutral active preamp without gain (e.g. Placette). These are discussed in Audiogon forums. BTW, internal switches in Wadia allow for reduction of its output voltage such that you can nearly always stay within a "low digital attenuation" range for your system.
No offense, and surprised no one has mentioned it--a bigger upgrade would be the 1300 upgrade to 51SE status

I have the 31SE, and feel it outperforms the 50SE (which i also borrowed).

