Wadia 861 or keep Electrocompaniet mk2

Since I only listen to my CDP I am thinking about a Wadia 861 Basic to replace my Electrocompaniet and bypass my BAT VK50se preamp. My system also includes a Cary V12I and a pair of Verity Audio Fidelio's. Anyone have any experience or opinions about this? I have heard pros and cons to going direct. Thanks in advance for any and all imput.

No offense, and surprised no one has mentioned it--a bigger upgrade would be the 1300 upgrade to 51SE status

I have the 31SE, and feel it outperforms the 50SE (which i also borrowed).


Interesting thread, as I'm going through a similar hand-wringing exercise now, owning a Wadia 830. Subaruguru - did you mean to say the EC has big bass? Also, which Wadia did you try out? Thanks
I would go with the Wadia direct to amp, sell the Electrocompaniet mk2, and use the money to modify the Wadia at Great Northern Sound.

If you can do an A/B listen, it may be worth a try before making such a big move.

I have a fairly modest system (Wadia Transport, Audio Research Amp, and VMPS RM 40 Speakers). Adding an Audio Research Pre-Amp only it took a few seconds to know the Pre-Amp had to go!

Good luck.