As a frequent buyer/seller across our borders I can tell y'all that NO EXCISE DUTY is now charged, though Federal GST @ 7% (General Sales Tax) and PST (Provincial Sales Tax) - rate varies, though NONE in Alberta and those taxes are COMPOUNDED! And that is calculated on the converted currency (now $1 U.S. = $1.62 Can.).
It is true that gifts and items under $50 are not taxed at all. However, with FedEx if the item is valued over $1600 (Can.) a commercial declaration must be filled out. The bugbear is the "brokerage" fees...these are a total rip-off for doing NOTHING and truly dispensible if they wished, except, of course, for commercial shipments.
For large items drive over and bring it back...less risk factor all around...but do NOT LIE (too much) on the value at the border since these guys can check readily as to the true value and if they found you out they could confiscate the item as well as the VEHICLE carrying it...and you. Pay up at the border. Watch your paper trail. And you could mitigate the value by using the wholesale or disposable value...maybe? Don't forget your exemption.
Maybe I should move!