Sony jukebox CDP-CX400: Can it sound good?

Hi Everyone,
I have a Sony 400 CD changer, model CDP-CX400. I'm fully aware that this is a "low-fi" product. My question is: Does anyone think that the sound could be significantly improved by adding perhaps a jitter filter and an outboard DAC? Has anyone done it already? I'm very interested to hear from you all, because I think it's a great product for many other reasons. It's only the sound that's disappointing.
Definitely - hook it up to a good DAC and I think you'll find the sound greatly improved. I agree - it's a lot of fun to put 400 CDs in one place and have the flexibility of playback. -Kirk
The 1s and 0sare not lo-fi, I run a 200 disc Sony CD changer via Toslink into a Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista-21 DAC and its great. Read the current issue of SF regarding this DAC.
Follow-up. I just hooked up my Birdland Odeon Ag upsampling DAC (with re-clocker) to my Sony jukebox(es) and WOW! The improvement is dramatic. I feel like I'm hearing my CDs for the first time.