Audio Logic v. Audio Note v. Audio Aero v. Audiome

I have been reading the great comments about the Audio Logic DAC. Have any of you have compared it to any of the DACs or one-box units from the above manufacturers?

My system consists of:
Cary 308-T CDP
First Sound Pres. Deluxe MKII Preamp
VTL MB -450 Sig. amps
Merlin Milennium speakers
the Bobby P. recommended Cardas Golden Ref. interconnects and speake wire
Various power cords

I find that complex, dynamic music gets congested. Bass is a bit muddy. And, on faster music, it seems that my combo. of equipment has trouble keeping up.

My hope is that an improved source will address some of these issues.

Any thoughts are greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Goone, are you referring to Scubadaddy? I have some cryoed Telefunken 12AT7s in my VTLs. They are great. Have you tried replacing the 6350s? Any improvement? Thanks.
Brooksl, yes scubadaddy I had tried several different input tube current using Telefunken 801s and Brimar cryoed they are the best sounding right now I would like to try the Svet KT88 in the vtl but heard they will not hold up.