About the EMM Labs DAC

It seems that the EMM Labs DAC only can achieve optimal performance in conjunction with the proprietary Philips or Meitner transport. Does anyone know what might be the reason for this synergy? To me the Philips transport is just another mass production unit with quite an ordinary built quality. But where lies the secret? Is it due to another clock, D/A-converter chip or digital filter? If the Meitner modification is truly an improvement, why can it not be applied to other transports?

By the way, how did you like those SRA stands and rack shown in the room?

The cost varies by fit and finish. If you want wood, the type of wood, inlays, etc. I bought the three of them before they went to the show. In fact I have not even seen them until I saw them on the web. They should be here on Monday or Tuesday with the total freight weight of 837Lbs. The CRAZ4 rack listed at $8000 because it had more upgrades than normal. It had 1.25 granite on all shelves instead of only the top while the others come standard in .75. The two Ohio Class XL stands which are custom made for what ever they sit on (mine being Tenor 300's) list for $4000. They have special upgrades too. All three are said to be the best in total isolation.

I have the VR isoBASES (which were made for these amps) right now under my Tenors. In fact, I bought them from Frank Peraino who had them under his Tenors and upgraded to the Ohio Class XL. Before I had them I had my Tenors on the carpeted floor. The change was not subtle so I know they do what they are supposed to do. I am really looking forward to it when these three get here.

So, very soon like next week you will see my Zoethecus Z5 here on the gon. :^)

is any rack really worth $8000? I find hard to believe people will actually pay this for a rack
I am a firm believer in you get what you pay for. I did state list and most do not pay list. But who cares what the price of anything is if people are willing to pay it. If one does not like the price you don't have to buy it. Would I pay $440000 for the new Porsche GT when I can buy a 911 for a quarter the price? If I had the extra cash, I gladly would. But that is just me.