suggestions for top quality CDP running direct

I am currently using a ARC CDT-1 transport, ARC DAC III mkII, and an ARC REF II mk I, Pass X-350 and Sonus Faber Amati speakers and am very interested in the possibility of buying a really good CD player and running direct. I have never done this and quite honestly would really appreciate some suggestions. I forgot to mention that my cabling is Purist Venustas. Thank you for all your help.
The only CDP that I have found that delivers the same magic as my reference separates is a Shanling T200 with the full Parts Connexion mods and the EA Turbomod. Really superb from both the SS and tubed outputs. Cost is really high at around $6500 though.
Try a Mark Levinson 390S. I just purchased one and am quite pleased. I also heard the Wadia 301 (now in its 302 version) and that is a great sounding player also. They both can run amps direct.
I think you would greatly enjoy replacing your Audio
Research CDT1/DAC3/Ref2 stack with a Wadia 861 in any of
the basic/standard/ES level. Wadia gear has always been
very synergistic with ARC gear to my ears. I have a Wadia
861es with ARC D400mkII amps and LS5mkII preamp. This combo
has been constant for nearly 7 years when I got the Wadia
(originally bought new as an 860 in 12/97 upgraded to 861es
in 9/03). I have run the 861es straight into my amps a
number of times, and it is the only configuration I have
ever heard that improved upon my LS5mkII preamp. If I didn't
have so many additional analog sources I'd go 861es straight
into the amps. I have yet to find an A/D converter that is
transparent as the LS5mkII so I keep the preamp in the
system. Maybe my all-time favorite piece of gear I've owned.
A true classic from ARC.