Sony S7700, S7000, or ??? best low cost transport?

HI all,
I've seen some threads on this, and even recently, but was unable to find the specific one I was looking for in the archives. and for all now..... :-) Your opinions please... on which of these (the Sony S7000 or the s7700) makes for the best CD transport value for the dollar, and why?
Also, if there is another unit that is as good or better then these, as a CD transport, please tell me which one that is that you recommend?
Thanks and happy listening!
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A dissenting opinion:
For the used prices the 7000 & 7700 are going for they're hard to beat as transports.

Sure, an expensive transport like a CEC or SCD-1 will better it, but when modded (total<$1K) the cheaper Sonys will generally provide more detail in a musically satisfying way than the most of the cheaper CD players and transports, IMHO.

My 7000 is stock and my 7700 is Modwright modified w/ bybees. I've used several other <$2,000 transports over the years, and still run a Micromega in one system (which is smoother, but more opaque, and which, BTW, replaced a Delta).

None of them, however, were overall better than the modded 7700.

I agree that the Thetas and EADs provide good competition though.
Reubent - you just didn't select the right modder. The Sonys make superb transports: 7000, 7700 and 9000es. I prefer the simplicity, low power usage and size of the 7700. Mods focused on the digital output electronics by an experienced digital design engineer make a world of difference. See these posts:

My 7700 was mod'd by one of the mod'rs mentioned in your post. It did not have bybees as far as I know. I bought it used, verified the mods with the original mod'r, but I did not pop the top on the unit to look around. Also, that was more than 2-3 years ago. Maybe mods have improved since then.

I'm sure there are good DVD based units out there, I just haven't heard one yet!

I have since moved to a Quad 99 CDP and use it CD direct using its excellent built-in volume control. This unit sounds very good, has volume control and has inputs to allow use of its internal 24/192khz DAC with other digital sources like DVD players. For $1499 new (I bought mine used), I think it is an excellent value based on its redbook performance and its versitility. And, it's small and doesn't take up much shelf space.
