Best Inexpensive DAC

In the last 12 months I have mananged to purchase a used ML27.5, used ML38S and a new pair of Thiel 2.4. I am broke, but I can't stand listening to my old Denon CD player form 1992. I do have a coax digital out on the unit, so I thought of purchasing an interim inexpensive DAC to get me by until I can get something a little better. Any suggestions?
Assuming "inexpensive" means approx $500, a used Bel Canto 1.1 or a MSB (with 24/96 upsampler card installed) could be worth investigating. I use a Bel Canto 1.1 and am quite satisfied at the price:performance ratio
I have a Benchmark DAC-1 & like it alot. It beats out my Phillips 963SA for sound quality & can be used as passive digital pre-amp with your amp because it has a vollume control. Plus it has a decent headphone amp, for the price I find it hard to beat. We tested it against my friends modded Art Dio & preferred the Benchmark. His DAC wasn't broken in yet & we will resume testing again today since his Dio has had plenty of break in time.
A used Birdland Odeon-lite should be around $500 and mods for it can be had for around $700. World-class performance for $1200.
I'd have to second the Channel Island Dac. Just saw one without the upgraded PSU go for 220. I've owned several dacs, MSB, Theta, Cal Alpha and the Channel Island was the best. There was one with upgraded PSU for about 400 recently also. This is a very good dac for the money.