Advice Please - Where to Spend $3-400

With tax refund season approaching :) Its time to consider an upgrade. As a university student I wish my refund was larger ;) But them's the breaks.

My system is:
Quad 21L + NAD C350 + Pioneer DV353
- Monster Interlink mkII 400 between Pioneer & Amp
- Black Rhodium AST 200 BiWire

My thinking is that my money should go towards a source upgrade - either a CD player or a DAC. My budget would be $300-400 USD
Any recommendations either way? I think my Pioneer should prove a decent transport for the time being.

If you think I should grab a new source some recomendations for used CD Players would be nice.

If a DAC my shortlist is
- California Audio Alpha/Delta
- Scott Nixon Tubdac/+
- Channel Islands Audio VDA
- MSB Link DAC

I have an eclectic music taste: Jazz, Electronica, Rock, R&B, and everything in between.

All suggestions are welcome :)

Thanks for your time!

Why should only those of immodest means get to play around with gear? After all, that's part of the fun. I can think of a number of interesting and enjoyable uses for your cash:
1) as you mentioned, a new dac
2) I beleive you can seperate the pre from the amp in your NAD, correct? if so, maybe an older tubed pre like a conrad johnson or audible illusions
3) you could get a rega planar 3 turntable (don't know if the NAD has a phone stage or not, but you could get one of them cheapy battary powered ones)--talk about upgrading your sources!
4) if you're even somewhat handy with a soldering iron, you could make your own cables or, if you wanted, the bottlehead tube pre
Lots of choices. Have lots of fun.
Ya - I think the most reasonable option is probably a DAC - and Shersta you are correct about me being able to add a pre-amp to my system which I have been giving some thought to as well.

So its either:
- Pre-amp
- Coupling/Isolation devices for my CD Player / AMP
- New Audio Stand..

lol oh well sigh

Pick up a used Music Hall CD-25 for that amount, when you have additional funds you can mod it.
I agree with Jiroth. IMHO a dac in your price range makes no sense. The MH CD-25 for around $350 used is a great musical bargain.
