Redbook for the long haul

At this point, I'm not interested in SACD (until the format wars settle down), and I'm not necessarily interested in getting a DVD player to use as a redbook transport. So, if I want to stick with redbook CD, what players or transports are worth buying for the long haul? What high-quality units will have service support and parts availability for the next few years?
For what it's worth, I made decisions on my personal "long haul" question a few years ago, which I feel are still valid. I felt as I grew into my equipment over time, it originally had to be better than I could appreciate then and/or it could grow along with me through upgrades as demands require. For my redbook system it is 47 Labs and for other av digital it's Muse. Good luck.

From whatever I have assimilated on the subject of DVD players &/or Universal players being used for redbook CD, I seem to conclude that a DVD player for redbook CD is better than a CDP for redbook CDs. This has something to do w/ a more refined laser for playing DVDs that becomes beneficial when that same DVD player is used to play redbook CDs. So, don't blow off buying a Univsersal or a DVD player to play your CDs just because you don't care for the format wars!! I think that this might be a narrow view-point.

Does anyone else, who is more versed in digital gear than I am, care to comment on the better ability of a DVD player to play redbook CDs??? Thanx.
Bombaywalla, the lasers might be finer, but there are a lot of high end manufacturers in both camps: Those who have moved toward the universal player and those who believe the digital paths mandated by SACD or DVD-A tend to corrupt the musicality from redbook playback. I expect this situation won't last long (famous last words?), but there are strong and intelligent advocates on both sides. Does it all boil down to convenience and personal tastes? Probably. So as usual, it's important to try before you buy.