How many satisfied AudioMeca Mephisto 2x owners

Hello fellow Audiogoners, am narrowing down my choices for a cd player that will carry me though my fifties. I am trying to get feedback from AudioMeca owners, especially when it comes to customer support, reliability, and performance. Any replies, either long or short will be greatly appreciated.
I purchased my Audiomeca from an Audiogon dealer(Perrotta Consulting) about a year ago and haven't had one problem. I have had very strong dealer support( repeat customer ,thanks Anthony)and am quite pleased. It is an exceptional unit that not only looks beautiful but also has the most analog sound I have heard from digital in my system. I have a large cd collection approaching 6000 and I wanted a one box player that gave me the best reproduction I could afford. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this player or the dealer.
I have owned a IIx transport for almost a year now. Apart from the fact that it does not like static electricity (it's little electronic brain gets screwed up and needs to be turned off for a minute or so) I love it! Very realistic and detailed presentation - a most musical piece of equipment. I have had no service issues, though I have heard that the Audiomeca people in France can be difficult to get hold of at times. All in all a superior transport which holds its own with some other fine transports.
I have owned a Mephi II.X for about 4 months now, and can say that it has performed perfectly. Put simply, it sounds very good IMS, presenting a very neutral and 'complete' sonic picture.

The 2.X model is NOT overly-lush, dynamically-limited or rolled-off like some of the earlier models. (Keep in mind that I say this from the perspective of using a very neutral tube-hybrid preamp and a SS amp combo).

My complaints for Monsieur Lurne-

1>It must be level to prevent tracking errors (though there is a bubble-level and adjusters built right into the chassis, so that ain't hard to accomplish)

2>The awesome-looking metacrylic chassis requires very delicate handling when cleaning

3>There is NO dimmer for the bright blue display (though it is not glary or obnoxious looking)

4>The remote is way-cheap given the price for this thing

5>It takes up alot of rack space (including a spot for the external power supply)

These are all minor quibbles given the sound quality...