Anyone own or listened to the Lector CDP-Seven.

In the April issue of the absolute sound H.P. makes this player sound like a giant killer for a real world price. My interest is peaked so any comparisons or comments. Thank you all.
Lector? Are these the same guys who tried to sell re-badged Xindak SCD-2 for 3K+ quid?
I would like to know how to find a Dealer on this unit?
Maybe I am missing something but I cannot locate.
Reviews are wonderful, but I do prefer to audition.
this is web page of their supposed to be US distributor:

Please, Let us know about outcome of the audition
I called the importer on tuesday.The person I spoke to said that January 04 was when they started to cary the Lector line and at present had a dealer in California. Since I live in Washington this did me no good.He also was unable to answer some of my questions and told me to call back on Friday when the owner Victor Goldstein would be in and able to give me more information. You can find the importer and manufactuer at Audiogons manufacture page under Lector. Anyone who can get a listen let us know what you think.