Transport needed for Mark Levinson No. 36

I am soon to take delivery of this fine mid-90's DAC. However in my haste I neglected to secure what I think will be a worthy transport. The only player I have at the moment is the Phillips 963 DVD/SACD/CD player, hmmm might this be a decent spinner for redbook playback through the No.36?

I second the ML 37. If its in your budget, the 37 will enhance the capabilites of your 36. Good luck!
I wouldn't limit yourself to the 37 for the 36. There are lots of other great (perhaps even better) transports that have excellent synergy with the 36. Go for the one that sounds best...not necessarily the one that happens to match. In the end, it's a matter of personal preference depending on what sort of sound you like.
Consider the Audio Note CDT-2. Sounds great with the Levinson 36S. Enjoy listening.