Looking for a cd player with analog or digital vol

used quality cd player with volume control on remote under 1,000. I can think of Theta Miles(750-850) and would love it if somebody knew of one, but what else is there? Thanks in advance.
Sorry Restock, your post wasn't up here when I wrote mine, we must have reponded about the smae time.
Thank You. I had thought of cary and Theta, but not linn. I appreciate the input.
Amp is an Aronov integrated, I just want some form of remote volume control.
Just remembered. There's the Quad CDP99 that has variable outputs as well. That one is supposed to have decent outputs as well. Gene Rubin seems to be a good dealer, who recommend the CDP99 with 99 poweramp as CD-amp combination. Might be worth looking at as well. Good luck and have fun finding the right one. Let us know, what you get....
