Personally, i wouldn't do this. If you want to do this and keep both me and your gear happy, i would suggest using a "dummy load" or "resistive shunt" on the unused channel. If your Wadia has RCA outputs as well as XLR's, the simplest way to do this would be to place a resistor across a cheap RCA and be done with it. So long as you use something over 10,000 ohms, you should be fine. The parts will cost you less than $5 at Radio Shack.
As a side note, one can "break in" line level gear like this too. By using "dummy loads", you can put in a disc and let it play on repeat for as long as you like. No harm to the gear and no noise in the background while you enjoy your main components. Sean
PS... DO NOT try this with power amp outputs unless you are certain that you have resistors that are MORE than capable of handling both the power and heat dissipation.