Should dealers be able to......

Email audiogon users?? I have been contacted by several dealers trying to peddle there gear because its better! Well quite frankly I am getting tired of it and am curious if there is any way we can regulate this from happening, after talking with a few of "the guys" here I realize I am not the only one. I don't mind there input in the forums- everyone is allowed there opinion, but it just seems- to me- to be the wrong thing to do. What are your thoughts? ~Tim
As a dealer, I would very much like to know if an Audiogon member does not want me to e-mail them. I hate spam as much as any of you. I do e-mail people sometimes, but only when I've read the post and think I have something to offer the person, or want to make a comment that I feel I can't on a forum (for example, I may know that a certain product the person is considering has a bad reputation with repair technicians, but since it's a "rival" product I can't badmouth it in a public forum). Frankly very few of my e-mails result in a sale, but many have resulted in friendly correspondance with a fellow audio geek.

Having learned in this thread that Tireguy and Unsound do not wish to receive e-mail from dealers, I'll try to remember not to e-mail them. But, it would be easier if AudiogoN provided some kind of "opt out" option as described by Sdcampbell. That would be ideal.
Duke your not the problem, of all the dealers who frequent the forums I enjoy your posts the most(I may have mentioned that before), you always share your vast knowledge with out trying to force any particular product- and if it is a product that you sell you make it VERY appearant that you sell it. I am refering to one dealer in particular(whom will remain unnamed- those who have experienced what I am talking about KNOW why I am complaining) who sends a never ending stream on nonsense to members who ask a very paricular question, and upone growing tired of his "game" you tell him to leave you alone and he starts to insult you and your system and makes the oddest analogies. All of that being said I recall talking to you(duke) about certain problems with my system and you ALWAYS help me on the forums and have never even come close to crossing the line- I wish other dealers would follow your lead, I hold you in the highest regards. ~Tim
Thanks, Tireguy and Unsound, for taking the time to reply.

Tim, you really made my day! Yes I have also enjoyed our interaction here, and I'm glad to hear I haven't crossed the line. I value this forum a great deal (likewise the Asylum), and come here whenever I have time to. Like any other audiophile I sometimes get excited about this or that product or concept, and run the risk of crossing that line when it happens to involve something I sell.

I appreciate your both posting your comments here.

Best wishes!
