Best Redbood CD Player Used/New under $7K

Any thoughts or experiences. My short list includes Wadia 860/861/21, Sony SCD-1 w/R Kern Full Mods, Metronome Reference Stack, Shanling T-200 Level 1 Plus,

Others I should consider?

I currently use JRDG Model 12's and Coherence II, Magnepan 20R's

Listen to jazz, vocals mostly. Thanks
I would say The Accuphase DP-75V, Iv compared the Accuphase, Audio Aero, and Audiomeca. In my system the accuphase sounded the most natural and dynamic
Wadia 861 with great Northern Sound Company statement modification. And can be improved by the SE transport upgrade
Marakanetz, since your rec is a bit different can you explain why you
recommend the iBook? It's a noisy transport. Mine sounds like a UFO
taking off.

However, if you use the hard drive of the iBook it's fabulous. I have it
connected to a Wavelength Audio Cosecant DAC through USB and with
the instant access to hundreds of CDs it's fantastic. I use it in my home
office so I don't have to slep CDs back and forth.