I've been riding most of my life and never go far without earplugs. I'm 67 and my hearing is still excellent, so there is hope.
I almost always use the Etymotic ER-20 earplugs. They attenuate all frequencies equally, meaning you can still hear everything, it's just not as loud. They come in standard and larger sizes and you'll have to experiment to get the right fit. My ear canals are different sizes so I buy a pair of each size and use one of each. One of their best features is that it's easy to attach them to a lanyard around your neck so you don't lose them.
Riding safely is a matter of faith. One, you have to genuinely believe you are invisible, that no one can see you and you have to ride as if that's the case. You also have to believe that everyone you encounter, driver of cars and trucks, bicyclists, nannys with strollers, pedestrians, and roadside animals are all actively trying to kill you.
Good luck, ride safe.
I almost always use the Etymotic ER-20 earplugs. They attenuate all frequencies equally, meaning you can still hear everything, it's just not as loud. They come in standard and larger sizes and you'll have to experiment to get the right fit. My ear canals are different sizes so I buy a pair of each size and use one of each. One of their best features is that it's easy to attach them to a lanyard around your neck so you don't lose them.
Riding safely is a matter of faith. One, you have to genuinely believe you are invisible, that no one can see you and you have to ride as if that's the case. You also have to believe that everyone you encounter, driver of cars and trucks, bicyclists, nannys with strollers, pedestrians, and roadside animals are all actively trying to kill you.
Good luck, ride safe.