What transport for my Birdland DAC?

I recently picked up a Birdland Odeon AG with the reclocker upgrade. I added this to my Nad C321i deck used as transport. Since I am commited to the source before upgrading my amp, I imagine I should look for a new trasport as well.
I have read a few past threads that deal with issues like power supplies and clock upgrades in the transport but over all, I haven't got a clue what to look for.
I need some reccomendations for a budget of say under a grand used.
My system is: Nad C321i as trans.;
Audio magic sorcerer digital cable;
Birdland Odeon AG w/upgrade;
Audio magic Excalibur IC;
Nad C370 used as main only;
GMA europas;
Thanks in advance. Scott
I definitely want to know how you like it. Funny thing, though... I saw on the Theta web site that the Jade was introduced in 1997. Seems too early. Further web searches show nothing before 1999. It's a good bet that they didn't start shipping in quantity until 1999, so hopefully your unit has lots of life left in it. If it's anything like mine (and it should be better), you're gonna like it.

Hey, thanks for the tip on the Theta Jade. I love it! I've been playing it for 3-4 days now and I can only say the sound is stunning. So much info was getting lost or muddled up with the Nad. Amazing difference. Yes I know it costs 8 times the price of the Nad, but that's what money is for isn't it?
Simply a huge upgrade here.
Excellent news! I always worry about steering somebody into a bad deal out here. I wish I had made an offer on one of the two Jades that were out there. I need an upgrade myself, and the Jade is appealing to me because the modern Theta's all come with video circuitry that doesn't interest me. I'm sure another will be along soon enough.

Happy Listening.

I am using an Altis CDT3 with my Odeon AG. It has a BNC output, which is great with the Odeon AG, since you can throw away the cheap adapter. The Altis is discontinued, but was a $5000. transport several years ago. It is a bargain when you can find a used one.