Question to Levinson DAC Owners

I recently purchased a 36S, and am now in need of a transport. I was thinking of a 37 for the benefits I get from the communication port, but will this piece really help out the sound quality? Since the 36S (and the rest of the 36x series)has the FIFO buffer and re-clocks everything anyway, wouldn't almost any transport do if I don't have to worry about jitter? Has anyone tried a 36x DAC with several transports? Thanks.
Wow. So even though the 36x re-clocks the data from the transport, you guys are hearing a difference when using different transports. Thanks for your input. That really helps.

Mrfastguy250aol, what types of interconnects and speaker cable are you using?? Are you using stock power cords??
I use the stock cord on the Levinson so far and most of the time an entry level Shunyata on the Wadia.
I have a Voodoo 90 degree iec but it wont fit under the Levinson ;-(
I continue to look for cords for it.
I have a levinson 38s.
The guy I bought it from included a real crappy cord.
What about raising the Levinson onto points or some type of isolation product?
(or some cut in 1/2 tennis balls?)
Have you tried anything similar?
I use vibrapods with the new vibracones which gives plenty of room to add after market power cords with my 360s.
Good listening,
fwiw, i have a ml-360s and a #37- the combo is quite a bit better sounding than a friend's ml#39 cdp. i would think the #39's transport is the same as a #37, so all i can say is you should get excellent results from a #37/36s pair. but at the same time, i paired a ps-audio lambda transport ($1500 new) w/ a goldmund/meta research dac yrs. ago (using a goldmund dig.cable) and the ps audio was sonically indespensable over a denon cdp used as a transport- i couldn't enjoy listening to the denon/goldmund. so imho, a good transport is (unfortunately) a must have.