Ayre CX-7- Better balanced or RCA?

I'm a very happy new owner of an Ayre CX-7 CD Unit, and I'm running single ended cables from the Ayre to my Sim P-5 Preamp currently.

Though I've read reviewer's opinions that this unit sounds better via the balanced outputs, I thought I'd seek opinions of my fellow Audiogoner's.

I have not heard the Ayre player, but I would say "Yes, always" run balanced if you can. In my system with Pass Aleph mono amps, Quad 989 speakers and Muse Model 10 digital player, I hear the difference. Same results in the past with other equipment. The only time I run single-ended is when I want to listen to some of my old tube amps.

Good luck,
I have a CX-7, too, and love it. Ayre recommends Cardas cables w/ XLR termination for their products (as they're internally wired w/ Cardas, and they've found them most compatible) or their own interconnects, which are expensive, but excellent- basically, Cardas cable (probably neutral reference design, but I'm not sure) modified by Cardas in manufacture, specifically for Ayre gear. Call Ayre if you have any questions about it- their customer service is excellent, beyond compare, in my opinion.

In any case, in my opinion, go w/ XLR terminations if you can, regardless of cable brand.
CX-7 owners, which CDP´s did you audition before you decided on the Ayre? TIA
Comparably-priced/"ranked" Naim and Arcam units. I found the Ayre player to have a richer, livelier, more detailed presentation than either of the others.