Audio Aero Capitole MKI vs. MKII

I'm in the market for a pre-owned digital front end, and after hearing all sorts of raves about the Capitole, I'm interested. My questions are:

- How big of a difference is there between the MKI version vs. the MKII? ($1500 or so difference between the two)

- What will I be giving up, if anything with the MKI?

- Would I be better off with the latest Prima? Something else?

My associated components are: Merlin VSM-Ms, Berning ZH270, and a First Sound Presence Deluxe MKII preamp, Audience AU24 cabling all around.

their are only positive improvements in the capitol 2 you will lose nothing the capitol 1 has. First biggest improvement is in the bass the capitol 2 has much more power and definition and improved pace/quickness over the 1. The middle bass is more neutral less ripe than the 1 which was a bit too ripe and lacked definition. The transport was significantly improved in the 2.Some capitol 1 users reported nice improvements by substituting a good onboard transport feeding the digital section of the 1 so I fed my 2 with a Theta Data 3 transport and top quality balanced digital cable the difference was very very slight showing the transport in the 2 was significantly upgraded over the 1. In your situation the Prima may be the better choice if you intend to use your excellent preamp. the capitol 2 is definitely worth the additional $ having owned both previously for considerable time.
Sorry for the side-track: Hi Mejames, you have one serious butt system !! Your suggestion for a Prima player is dead-on, esp. with a good pre like a First Sound, makes more sense "that way".
Just a thought that is a bit off your question. Do look into Meitner gear if your budget can stand it. It is nothing short of amazing - far beyone thet Aero Capitole capabilities and most any other CD products. His DAC is as good as it gets and the new transport is stunning as well.

Good Luck -
Does Cello get paid every time he brings Meitner gear into an unrelated thread?