Isolation Cones/Bearings placement on CD Transport

I would like to know what is the best configuration for placing isolation bearings underneath a CD transport? Should I place 2 devices towards the front of the component and 1 in the back or 1 device in the front and 2 in the back? Are there any audible sonic differences either way? I am going to use a set of Final Lab's DARUMA 3-II isolation bearings on my EAD T-1000 transport. Thanks for the help.
In general, place two on the heavier end and one on the lighter weighted end. Removing existing feet should help. Various placements should also make a difference therefore you need to experiment to see what sounds the best to you.
In no way do I mean this to be a flippant reply, but you should just try both arrangements and determine for yourself which you prefer. Your ears with your equipment beats anyone writing and telling you what to do.
There are no exact measurements in placing cones or bearings under a component. Many manufactures do suggest an initial placement, and the rest is up to your listening skills. I have found that a slight movement in placement of a cone can change the soundstage and imaging.