Selecting audio components

I'm trying to figure out which set-up would sound best cosidering I listen to alternitive music( loud rock n roll ). The choices are: Theta Miles directly into a Krell or Mark Levinson amp or a Krell KAV 300 cd player/Krell KRC-3 OR HR combination? Or possibly the Theta with the KRC preamp. I don't necessarily have to have the preamp but I would like to listen to my Magnum Dynalab tuner. Any suggestions as to which combination would sound the best would be greatly appreciated. I will also be using Cardas power cords,balanced interconnects etc.
My experience with the KAV-300CD was not good, and I'm a big Krell fan - I'd highly recommend their KRC-3 or KRC-HR preamp if you're so inclined, and definitely their amps. So, I'd recommend a different source component - maybe the Muse Model 9 signature as a CD player - very nice sound.
Agree with Kthomas re: Muse digital gear. Very natural and musical sounding without the etch of other "hi-fi" digital pieces.