should everyone just order emm?

i have levinson gear now, and it of course has been bested by
umteen transports and processors in the last 2-3 years. and now, without meitner, i may as well jump in a lake and swallow a snake. can the most rational fellow music lovers out there (no "asylum" cases please) explain how and why i/we should 1.go for any new major improvements NOW 2. wait for blue lasers(?) 3. buy more REDBOOK CD'S 4. clean off some of my old vinyl and relax to some leonard bernstein or some horowitz. 5. jump into the lake anyway having done all of the above. please advise. thanks so very much.
Robm321- The LP was once one of the "bandwagons" you refer to!! You are beginning to sound like a fanatical "78" disc spinner from the 40's. How could a slower rotating 33 1/3 disc possibly be superior sounding to the "78" ??

Sometimes bandwagons transport us to a better place, sometimes not. But to summarily dismiss all bandwagon rides is truly closed-minded and ignorant. Don't knock it till you've tried it..
Albert, That is the price for the stock unit. The additional is for john to do the modifications.
Thanks Brooks, now it make sense.

From the reviews I'm finding on line, the unit looks to be a great buy, even in stock form.

Wonder how it compares to my Sony DVP-S9000es?
>>they'll all be sad that they didn't wait for the EMM labs DAC<<

This is pretty wild speculation. It posits a mythical sony SACD player buyer who, if he/she just didn't spend the money on that Sony player, would be buying the Emm Labs gear, but somehow cannot upgrade because the Sony purchase doomed him/her to this sad dead end on the digital evolutionary ladder. And, not just *some* of them, but *ALL* will be sad that they didn't wait. It also posits an audio universerse where upgrading is an odd occurence. An alternate universe, no doubt. My guess would be that some of those Sony SACD buyers are still happily spinning their silver discs, others have been through several players since then, along with different speakers, amplifiers, pre-amps, and cables, and plenty of them are now happily upgrading to Emm Labs gear and spreading the word. I don't know -- just makes more sense than the other scenario, which goes to show there are many ways to spin one's wheels.

Albert, John Tucker of Exemplar does a nice modification and sells complete Denon units for just over 3K......It doesn't seem to have the lack of "life" in the upper midrange of the EMM Labs or Lindemann and will decode any format.....Norm has been using one of these for a while and I am familiar with the unit as Meine, who lives a couple miles from me, has one as well......Don't trust my comments as I'm using a digital system that is so old it is about to turn to dust, but get out and hear some of the hot rod units and compare them. The Exemplar/Denon is the best I have heard that is currently available.....