should everyone just order emm?

i have levinson gear now, and it of course has been bested by
umteen transports and processors in the last 2-3 years. and now, without meitner, i may as well jump in a lake and swallow a snake. can the most rational fellow music lovers out there (no "asylum" cases please) explain how and why i/we should 1.go for any new major improvements NOW 2. wait for blue lasers(?) 3. buy more REDBOOK CD'S 4. clean off some of my old vinyl and relax to some leonard bernstein or some horowitz. 5. jump into the lake anyway having done all of the above. please advise. thanks so very much.
Do you consider the Indra performance to be transcendant, as some of the reviewers suggest, or more along the lines of highly evolved. IOW, is it a brand new creature?
In that it uses amorphous wire with little crystal development and given its lack of metal coloration, I think yes, it is a new creature. Given the price of replacing this surplus wire, it may be a short lived creature.

I would not claim that it is transcendent, but I sure was impressed from the moment I put it into my system and swiftly bought a long run also to go to my amp.
Are the circuits in the Meitner DAC patented? If not, why can other manufacturers not acheive the same or better level of performance? In the current "Absolute Sound", HP and Mark Levinson speak of its SACD performance as the only "corrrect" processing of the DSD signal. What is everybody else doing wrong?
I am an idiot so I can not explain this in detail, however, as I understand it(as told from the folks at emm labs) it all boils down to mathmatics. They've solved a "problem" mathmatically and have marketed it well, I think it is highly unlikely they are not protected with patents- Emm labs is directly linked with Sony.

I imagine(and this is strictly my mind running freely, I have no information to prove or disprove this theory) that most don't understand what's going on even when they see it. If you look into it most modifiers will not touch anything emm labs because they just don't have a good understanding of what's happening- the only exception seems to be mods to the phillips but they are not going near emm labs mods, simply power supply improvements which are a known weak link in the phillips players.