An update: I got the Squeezebox, hocked it up with an ethernet cable and, with much help from Kevin at Slim Devices, got it to play my iTunes playlists. Then I noticed it would not play all the songs on the playlist. Turns out that because of some licensing policy, no 3td party device hooked up to an Apple computer will play songs that have been downloaded to the iMac. So I could either keep the Squeezebox and not be able to play downloaded music, or get an Airport Express and play everything, but through a optical output instead of coax into my DAC. I chose to go the Airport Express route but use the ethernet cable I already had for the Squeezebox. I get the computer programmed at the Apple store in Chicago for this, come home... and it doesn't work. Apparently the ethernet switch I'm using (so I can hook up both the Airport Express and my cable modem) is not allowing the connection to be made to the Airport Express. I'm going to try a "Dumb" hub in place of the switch, and if that doesn't work I'll have to get the Airport Extreme card and do it wireless. That is, unless one of you knows of some way to do this with the ethernet cable that I haven't tried?