Hi I wonder what's the ecpected life of a cd mechanism . I own a transport based on PHILIPS CDM-3 that according to the previous owner has few hours on it,and judging by it's general appearance of the unit(I just bought it) it seems to be in tip top shape.I plan to keep my unit. I was told 3000 hours life ecpectancy on the cdm-3 but I think of that to be rather low . There is a used cdm-3 on sale ,should I buy it for spare? or just leave it alone and if it breaks then I worry about it.I understand that cdm-3 is no longer in production and finding one is a difficult task. Your ,opinions, please are welcome. Best regards George
My personal experience is that Philips or Philips based units don't last as long as other units. 3000 hours seems very short to me for any CD player though. Sean >
Yioryos, the mechanism isn't the trouble it is the lasers. They things are like tubes, they wear out and need to be replaced regularly. I run my transport, Pioneer based, 24/7 as nothing to listen to on the radio and get 4-5 years on a laser which takes 20 minutes to replace for about $65.......Having the laser replaced by a repair shop might run $150-200 I imagine.
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