Marantz SA-8260--low output and fuzzy bass???

I sold my two-channel Marantz SA 14 ver.2 and replaced it with the Marantz SA 8260 because I wanted 5 channel capability. The later is $2000 cheaper than the former and I was expecting a slight drop in sound quality for redbook playback. Presentation in the mids and highs are much like the SA-14, in other words fine, but the bass response on the 8260 is so far hugely disappointing--organ pedal notes, for instance, are imprecise and fade in and out, as if the player can barely hold on to them. Does the player need more break-in time? What kind of modification would need to be done to improve this? The only alternative is the Sony XA9000ES back at $3K, but I worry about it's being called "honest" regarding Redbook playback. And owners of the Sony: how's the bass precision?
My cables are Cardas Neutral Reference fed into a Musical Fidelity A308. The Marantz SA-14 ver. 2 was definitely awesome, but I really want 5 channel, and redbook playback that is decent. My test disc is Holst's "Planets" (Dutoit/Montreal), the end of Saturn with the quiet organ pedals. The Marantz SA 14 ver. 2 could capture the fundamentals and present them in their own space--it was an awesome experience. Surely though, there are 5 channel players which can do Redbook as well. I'm probably going to try the Sony XA9000ES. I see there are a few XA777ES's out there. Big difference? (I don't need distance comp.)
I too have recently purchased the SA14v2 and am now playing withy the idea of 8620 for multichannel application. However, never would I dispose of the SA14, but perhaps add another milti channel source to it! As one of the respondents above, I have been seduced cy this player the first day, it is so beautiful, so musical most of all. I am somewhat puzzled what made you part with it.
I don't know now. : )I just couldn't justify a separate multi-channel and 2 chan units in the same household. I shold have just bought a supplimentary multi-channel. Oh well, I'll buy the ver. 2 used someday. The Sony I have now, (XA777ES) has the same bass response, but not the overall "glow" of the Marantz.
Hello. Recently pickup a used 8260 on e-bay. I am using 2 channel only. Its sounds fine to me and plenty of good base. Equipment; McIntosh 2275, Tannoy DC3, Tara RSC1800
speakers cables. The only thing I don't like about it is that it always defaults to multi-channel. Sounds like you have a defective model, shi.... happens
something is should not have low output & fuzzy bass.

would suggestt trying a completly different sets of interconnects to troubleshot your system & player.

good luck.
