Which CD side to touch the plastic sleeve?

I have a number of CD holders where one can carry a large number of CD's each in their own plastic sleeve, with a soft cottony insert material to press against one side of the CD, and soft vinyl plastic to press against the other side of the CD.
My question is whether the softer cottony material side is intended to press against the playing side of the CD?
The product illustration shows the playing side pressing against the soft vinyl plastic side of the sleeve, which seems wrong to me.
If I can learn how to use these holders then I can shed a lot of weight when traveling to audition components (without giving up rich desserts), by replacing my old portable transporter boxes which simply carry the complete CD jewel cases, just as they stack side by side on a bookshelf.
I realize what a high tech question this appears to be, but inquirying minds need to know.
Check out the Univenture "archival" sleeves, available from Bags Unlimited and elsewhere. They have a cotton (actually, polymer) sleeve inside the vinyl, so both sides of the CD are against the soft stuff.
oh my gosh, audiophile forum. Cd's should be kept is original cases as this proves solid protection as well as keeping away from moisture and sunlight.