Denon 3910 or Marantz 8400

I'm considering both of these universal players. Had a Philips SACD 1000 that gave up the ghost at an early age. Currently have a Mcintosh MVP 841 but doesn't play sacd. Any input?
I have the 8400 but am waiting for the new 9500 due out in November. The 3910 is based on the 5900 on a 2900 chassis.
My comparison with the 8400 vs. the 5900 is that the 5900 has a superior video section and the 8400 has a slightly better SACD playback. I am hoping the 9500 exceeds the 8400 or I may buy the New McIntosh 861 uni/player when it hits later this fall. 4k is a lot to spend but we do love this don't we? has the new Marantz 9500 listed with all the specs for $1999.
What will be even more interesting in the near future:
Denon DVD-3910 -VS- Marantz DV9500 on all formats.
Any early wagers on which will be sonically superior?