Denon 3910 or Marantz 8400

I'm considering both of these universal players. Had a Philips SACD 1000 that gave up the ghost at an early age. Currently have a Mcintosh MVP 841 but doesn't play sacd. Any input?
128x128beernut has the new Marantz 9500 listed with all the specs for $1999.
What will be even more interesting in the near future:
Denon DVD-3910 -VS- Marantz DV9500 on all formats.
Any early wagers on which will be sonically superior?
both players are very nice.....Denon has the better remote and more versatility with full bass management allowing the mode of setting crossovers....the sound is maybe a bit more muddied with the Denon and the MArantz being a slight more sharp.....but hwhtere or not there is a 700 hundered buck difference ...hmm im not sure which one i will keep yet..
Denon is also coming out with the 5910, which will be priced
like the 9500. I am curious if anyone here has heard the 9500 yet?