Problem with Denon CDRW1500

Anyone who owns a Denon CDRW1500.

Can you please tell me if there is a special brand or rated speed of CDR I need to be using. Everything I try is not recognized as a valid audio disc.

still no go. I have two 3 pc's one with 4 burners but I want this DENON to work for digital source recording


Can you clarify what's not recognizing the "audio disc". Is it a CD player you are using after a burn session, or is it the Denon CDRW while attempting a burn session?
Yes, it is the CDRW1500. It won't let me dub or record a to blank disc. I talways says 'Use Audio CD' but I have tried multiple brands andd pored over the manual time & time again. I just ordered a 1-24X disc from here: they say they're aren't any? oh man.........

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I am having the same problem you describe when I try to record - very bizzare considering when I put a blank disk in the right tray it scans it and then the "CD-R" indicator light turns on in the lower left corner of the display. Still it says UseAudioCD. Please advise if you find a disk that works - I'll do the same.
