CD/SACD Players with volume control under 4K?

I am slowly aquiring more and more hybrid sacd's and sure would like to hear one. Is there a player with volume control that sounds good in both formats? This is for a 2 channel only system.
Ok, yep, the Resolution Audio Opus 21 does not play SACD. I was just so excited to tell you about it, I mis-read your post. Omains is right though, it is a great player!

I think the Shanling SACD CDP has volume control. And, Underwood Wally has a modified version of the player. He's a honest guy, I've dealt with him before.

Good Luck!
Right now, it appears that volume-controlled SACD is only coming out of China. (Consonance and Shanling). Has anyone compared the two players?
Thanks for the responses! I own the Consonance 2.2 redbook player and I just had the Opus 21 in house for two weeks. The consonance is a fine player and I beleive a great value for the price, but the Opus is just in an entirely different league. I'm no reveiwer and I'm not going to try but what it does is simply amazing. I wish I could find a stock all in 1 that could match it. I did have a problem with it reading a couple cd's so I returned it with the problem CD's, when they fix it it looks like I'll keep it. The mod guys have 'em(sacd) available with volume control but I'm a little nervous about that route. Any of you folks running a modded machine direct with volume control? If so how is it?
I am having Alex Peychev, of APL Hifi mod a Denom 3910 with digital volume control. I am absolutely positive the unit will be Fantastic. I already have his SACD 1000 with volume Control, and A/B the Exemplar 2900 to the 1000 using the Exemplar pre-amp. Later I listened to the 1000 with the pre hooked up, and without. I did this back and forth over a couple of days, with same 6 recording. Wow, I thought with the Pre, the 1000 sounded better, at first. I was wrong in the final analysis. The 1000 w/o the pre had more air between the notes, a little nore extension, both top and bottom, AND a bit deeper soundstage....Highly recommended