Anyone hear of the Krell MD-20 transport?

I just put a deposit down on this transport, but can't seem to find any information whatsoever on it. I did several Web searches with different search engines, looked on Krells & Stereophiles web sites, even looked here to see that the value of it might be, but it is absent. Does anyone know anything about this transport? Why is there no information on it? Is it any good? How does it compete with using a modern universal player as a CD transport?

Thanks much
I own an old MD1 transport, with an SBP 32X. Is this transport also doomed? This combo sounds great with my atma-sphere pro-ac gear .
Thanks Yioryos
My main gig is phono, but since buying the Krell combo used a few years ago, I've been very happy. Question, Is it worth updating the 32x to a 64x , or will Krell do such an update to an older unit? Is it possable to get resolution close to analoge?
Thanks Mike
Hi Mike
I am not into analog at all,wrong person to talk to.I gave it a thought many times but it will cost me a lot to start buying my favorite music in vinyl,Retro 80's,Classic rock,and especially mine and my wifes beloved ethnic music tunes(Greek 60's-70's)that are not available in vinyl anymore.Regarding the 32x or 64x,well in my opinion the 64x outperforms the 32x.Actually the 64x was designed to go with the MD-1.The 32x was more for the Md-2.I have my MD-1 hooked to an ARC DAC3(tubed D/A)with a digital lens .Very nice indeed,but I always have my eyes open for a deal on a nice condition 64x ,particularly the Reference 64.Price is high though,2500$.See if you can get a used digital lens(500$)amazing upgrade!
I doubt that Krell would update your 32x,but the real answer is only a phone call away.Patrick at Krell service is the man to talk to.
Happy listening
Thanks Yioyos,
I'll check it out. I hate to sound too ignorant, but what is a digital lens? Since I'm mostly into analoge I really am not to up on things digital but want to improve where I can.
Thanks, Mike