I agree with PBB about not placing the skylight near the first reflection points of the speakers on the ceiling. If building codes require placement of a skylight, then you can use diffusion materials rather than absorption. RPG and Echo buster sell these products. ASC and Echo Buster will provide a free evaluation. I received an ASC tubetrap package containing interesting articles on placement of their products. Art Noxon President of ASC sent me the package containing some old stereophile reviews regarding the use of both diffusion and reflection. Another article of interest was on stereophile’s review of Thiel 7.2’s regarding ASC MATT test (you can download this review from Thiel’s website). Jon Risch’s website has a lot of info on DIY acoustic products that really work. He can be found at Audio Asylum – Tweekers Asylum
Best of Luck
Best of Luck