sacd,vinyl, and rebook....

Just to echo some common remarks:

"sacd is like vinyl without the clicks and pops"

"sacd is a marginal improvement, if any, over redbook"

"sacd is a smoke and mirrors ht campaign designed for multi-channel use and copyright protection agendas"

at any rate...which of the above best describes this format?
SACD is a boring improvement over CD and to me not worth the limited amount of software and players. Its like HDCD taken too seriously.

Mostly due to bandwidth difference, below my particular price/quality point I would rather listen to a SACD/CD player over a turntable. In actualizing full potential, however, vinyl is the best by a hell of a margin.

I know you're a dedicated audiophile/music lover, and hopefully, we're all in this for the music, and the thrill
of finding a way to get closer to it.

Unfortunately, with DSD, Sony/Philips has turned their backs on the music in search of greater profits.

Even the genius of EMM Labs can only do so much to make
DSD perform.

Lets hope recording engineers made a 24/96/192 or analog copy of all their recent work, otherwise, we've lost a lot of great musical information.
I have in all these years progressed from Vinyl>Vinyl+Tape>CD>SACD and the funny thing is I keep going back to likes of Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Beethoven etc etc. They all sounded great back then and still sound great today. After all it's about music isn't it?

I will in my lifetime not be able to afford all the vinyl, CD's, DVD-A's and SACD's nor I will be able to afford to buy all types of equipment in different formats that are out there. I get whatever I can afford today and as many albums I can lay hands on that my funds allow, relax sit back and let the music play.

Once I did a comparision of Vinyl , CD and SACD since I happen to have all three formats of an album. Is my turntable the best? NO! Is my CD player the best? NO NOT AT ALL! Is my SACD player the best? NO WAY! Are the three albums mastered in the same way? NO! Then why the hell am I comparing them? What am I going to achieve after I spend hours listening to the equipment rather than music for which it was originally bought? I gave up in the end.

I now listen to all three formats depending on the album I have in my collection.

Happy Listening everybody!
We'll, my feelings on this topic have been expressed many times over the last couple of years. The link that Albert Porter provided gives an objective scientific view which was sorely lacking from most of the debate over the years.
All I can say at this point is "fool me once (betamax) shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me". Lets hope we all remember this the next time Sony tries to lead us into another format war.
I don't have a sacd player. I have bought some hybrids, though, because I've heard the cd layer is usually the best sounding version, compared to other redbook issues. I've found this, so far, to be true. In addition, I can at some point buy a sacd player if I want, or simply continue listening to the cd layer. I would never buy a sacd only disc.