I am looking at buying a used cd5i or cd5x
to go with a used Nait5. The Nait5 is not
very revealing like the Naim seperates are.
I heard 10x more detail on the Naim seperates
but they also made poorly recorded CDs hell to
listen too. That's why I settled on a used
Nait5. So.. if I am using a Nait5, would you
still suggest a 5x over a 5i? I want rich
rhythm and less etch..
I am looking at buying a used cd5i or cd5x
to go with a used Nait5. The Nait5 is not
very revealing like the Naim seperates are.
I heard 10x more detail on the Naim seperates
but they also made poorly recorded CDs hell to
listen too. That's why I settled on a used
Nait5. So.. if I am using a Nait5, would you
still suggest a 5x over a 5i? I want rich
rhythm and less etch..