Best Redbook player with XLR outs

Looking for top-shelf CDP to introduce into my current set-up: BAT 51SE, Ayre V-1x, Tara speaker cables to B&W N805. RCA not an option due to BAT pre. Budget is not fixed, but would like to stay under 4K used.
Thanks in advance for your opinions.
Efficacy what's this "e" upgrade you speak about with the CX-7?
I'm interested as I have a CX-7.
Post removed 
My understanding is that Ayre is offering this upgrade for a nominal fee ($500). I was informed the "e" stands for evolutionary, and should improve the overall sonics of their products.
I had the BAT VKD5SE player for quite a while. It's easy to live with and sounds good.



Paul :-)
I'll second Beemer. I'm currently using a BAT VK-D5SE with my VK-31SE preamp and Tara Labs cables, and I'm very happy with it. It isn't the most transparent or revealing cd player I've ever heard, but ALWAYS musical. I'm an analog fan first, but I do listen to cd's. The VK-D5SE is one of the very few players that don't have me grinding my teeth together after an hour or so of listening. Not only does it have balanced outputs, but it's fully balanced inside as well, just like all BAT products. Should be able to get one for well under $4K used.
