Are the Denons the Best Universals to Mod?

I have been reading alot about all these places that do mods to the Denon DVD-2900, DVD-3910, etc.
I was just wondering if the Denon universal disc players are the preferred players to mod compared to others such as Pioneer, Marantz, Onkyo, etc?
If so, what are the reasons these units are generally preferred over the others for modifications?
After the mods, is the Redbook CD performance as good as the high dollar dedicated CD players?
Is the SACD performance as good as the best dedicated SACD players?
Thanks in advance!
I can't compare the various players for you, but I have a Denon 2900 from Exemplar and it is outstanding. The build quality is strong and the sound is incredible. In my experience, a tube output stage really works so that is what I would look for. I don't know how the Denon stacks up against the high dollar units, but it did in my Opus 21 CDP. I love the Opus 21, but the Denon exposed its weaknesses. The Opus 21 had more clearly defined soundstaging, but the Denon is more musical (and it's still breaking in). Soundstaging is not my most important criteria. The music has to draw me in first.
I heard the mod for the Phillip SACD1000 by Alex Peychev is very impressive. Please check out for this info.
Good luck,
The APL 3910 is also INCREDIBLE, and yes I own the APL SACD 1000, and the Exemplar 3910. Gee, which do I like most?
I am sure after reading tons of feedback on certain modded Denons, that they sound very good, but after owning a Modwright signature 9000 and Ram modded Philips 963sa,as well as a 3910 and 5900 in stock form, I have to ask....

Why not start whith a player that has really good balanced and musical sonics before mods?

Also, although I have not seen any reports that I remember on modded Denons having a bunch of QC issues, there are plenty of QC issue reports on the stock models.

Am I the only one who looks at modded players this way?