Marantz DV-9500: Anyone Listened to it or Bought?

Hello all,
Has anyone listened to or bought one of these lately?
If so:
How did it sound on each of the formats?
How was the video?
Is it superior to the Marantz DV-8400 on each of the formats, and in what ways?
If so, is it a small improvement over the DV-8400 or a significant improvement?
Finally, how does it compare on all formats to other similarly priced players?
Thanks a million!
Lanny, I know you said your budget is 2k but I've read great things about the McCormack UDP1 and its DVDA playback. Might be closer in you're range if you buy used.

I am very interested in this topic as well. I am interested in the UDP-1 but for the extra money I have not heard anyone say that it is clearly superior to either the Marantz or Onkyo. Also, what happened to the discussion of the Marantz? Should I jump on the Onkyo if I want a warmer sound?
I have reservations about the McCormack after reading the "Measurements" sections of the Stereophile review of it.
Lanny, The Marantz 9500will outperform almost all cd players under $2500....and U get it all...remember...2 channel also means DVD-A and SACD...and these sound better than a redbook cd....that means even though you're interested in 2 channel're still going to need a universal dvd player to get the most out of your 2 channel.....Waste no time..get the Marantz dvd-9500 and enjoy it all. If this player was made by one those "small audiophile companies"'re looking at $ 5,000for this kind of Beautiful, musical sound......stay away from the Denon's for music...unless they're a reliable Mod....Good Luck
Hey, just recently received my new one and must say it is the nuts! I really can't find any weaknesses and video quality is superb. Marantz has had terrific video qualities and this tops them all. I was concerned about redbook cd playback ( I have over 600) but haven't been dissapointed. This is a real world universal player that even us average Joes can afford.