Recommendation wanted to upgrade my NAD CDP

Current system:

NAD 370 amp / NAD 540 CDP / Totem Arros speakers

Question: what upgrade for the CDP would you suggest with HDCD a preference : NAD 542? Is the Rega Planet 2000 worth the extra maoney? Creek? Others?

The Music Hall CD-25 is an absolutely amazing player for the money, has HDCD and has a raft of upgrades available, starting with a simple opamp swap that makes it much better than stock. I replaced a very highly regarded $3,000 transport/DAC combination with a CD-25, swapped out the opamps myself and the Music Hall is better sounding in every way than the more expensive rig.
Might want to consider using your computer as a transport; add a decent used DAC - lower jitter.


You have your library at your finger tip.
I've heard the Arcam CD73 against the NAD 542 & the Planet 2000, and it beat both of them cleanly. Just more musical & pleasant to listen too, without being boring. I think it's $799 new.

Good luck,