Recommendation wanted to upgrade my NAD CDP

Current system:

NAD 370 amp / NAD 540 CDP / Totem Arros speakers

Question: what upgrade for the CDP would you suggest with HDCD a preference : NAD 542? Is the Rega Planet 2000 worth the extra maoney? Creek? Others?
Might want to consider using your computer as a transport; add a decent used DAC - lower jitter.


You have your library at your finger tip.
I've heard the Arcam CD73 against the NAD 542 & the Planet 2000, and it beat both of them cleanly. Just more musical & pleasant to listen too, without being boring. I think it's $799 new.

Good luck,

That is my in house comparison of the...
Arcam 73T, Creek CD50, Cary 308, Rega Planet 2000, Roksan Kandy MkIII, and Cambridge Audio Azur 640c.

Creek and Cary were the best of the bunch with a personal preference edging towards the Creek. Give it a read and e-mail me if you have any questions.