DV-50s vs Krell SACD Standard vs Denon 3910 mod

Would sincerely appreciate some experienced guidance or commentary on this.

Here's my situation: Want a great SACD/CD player, happy with a 'good' DVD/DVD-A player - or a universal biased towards SACD/Redbook CD performance.

I'd thought of an Underwood/Partsconnexion mod'd DVD-5900 or 3910, but think I'd be setting myself up for losing even more $$$ when I go to upgrade...
So, have been thinking of the Teac Esoteric DV-50s, or Krell SACD Standard [since CD is my priority]

I've seen the Krell vs Esoteric thread ... but wonder what else I should consider in the $2k-$5k range ?
Happy to buy a good used model in that range as well
"I might as well ask Kana813 where in the US he had the fortunate opportunity to listen to a Teac P0 player, augmented by a G0 external clock. The Teac Esoteric USA site does not list P0, D01, G0, G0S in the US catalogue because Teac America has sadly not seen it fit to import such devices."

Guidocorona- FYI- I heard the units in a $200K system here on Maui. People who want and can afford the best know how to get it.
Kana813, are these TEAC products imported in to Canada? I long ago got a P1 transport for 110 volts from Canada. Is the G0 the atomic clock that can also be used with the UX-1?
Kana813: Please do describe the supersistem you listen to with the Teac front-end and give us your sonic findings in detail.
TBG: There are two Teac clocks compatible with X-01, UX-1, P70/D70, and the higher components: G0, and G0S. The G0 is likely some kind of advanced crystal oscillator clock. G0S is Rubidium-based, but whether a Rubidium crystal is used as an oscillator, or nuclear decay is measured from a sample I do not know.
I am pasting below some info I posted on them on the DV50 shootout thread:
Teac Esoteric G-0 external clock generator has an accuracy of ±0.1ppm. It is said to be:
a. ten times more accurate than the DCS Verona, rated at 1ppm.
b. 30 times more accurate than the internal clock of the X-01 and X-03, which are rated at 3ppm.
c. 100 times more accurate than the internal clock of the DCS Verdi, apparently rated at 10ppm.
The list price of G-0 in Japan is relatively reasonable: equivalent to $4500.
The Rubidium-based Teac Esoteric G-0s clock generator is yet another entire kettle of fish: a staggering accuracy of ±0.05ppb(=±0.00005ppm)!! List price in Japan approx equivalent to $11000!!
Both clocks appear to be compatible with X-01 and UX-1, and will likely also work with X-03 and UX-3. They are also said to be compatible with DCS gear.
“Kana813, are these TEAC products imported in to Canada? I long ago got a P1 transport for 110 volts from Canada. Is the G0 the atomic clock that can also be used with the UX-1?”

Tbg- I can’t help you with Teac’s distribution system in Canada. If your P1 has a clock input connection, it should work with any external clock.

“Please do describe the supersistem you listen to with the Teac front-end and give us your sonic findings in detail.”

Guidocorona – I haven’t heard any of the units listed in this thread, so I can’t give you an audiophile description/comparison. I didn’t look at all the model numbers, but in addition to the PO/GOS, the Maui system had B&W N800s biamp’d w/Rowland electronics, power conditioners, lots of room treatments and a bunch of exotic cables from Japan. I’ve never seen or heard any of this stuff before. On some old Redbook CDs I was familiar with, the system was totally effortless, with absolutely no hint that I was listening to a digital recording. If you’re looking for the best in digital playback, I suggest you stop wasting time on these one box CDPs and start looking at separate transports and dacs.
Kana813: The only two-box front-end from TEAC I heard was the P70/D70 combo. I found its sound to be so close on redbook to single-box X-01 to make the apparent difference negligible. Granted, the statement must be tempered by the fact that I heard these on two different systems.
I am sure I could find a way to import the P01/D01/D01 tri-box solution from Japan or I may be able to get Teac America to special order it, but its price tag makes it quite simply out of the question. The beauty of X-01 is that it is also a very good starting point for future expansion. A fellow audiogoner from N.Y. (MGOTTLIEB) is using it now as a transport: he has augmented it with the DCS Elgar + Purcell and finds the mixed stack to be superior to a purely DCS stack.
A similar arrangement could be made with X-01 and a Zanden DAC. And of course X-01 would accept the G0 and G0S clocks. Now, if you are starting to ask yourself why on earth I do not stop talking about this and act instead, you are not the only one. . . It's the usual WAF: a rather complicated 'quantum entanglement' of sorts.